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Do Dogs Poop True North? Science Says Yes.

Do Dogs Poop True North? Science Says Yes.

2 min read • By Wyatt West, Timberdog Staff Writer & Outdoor Fiend

If you’ve ever stood in the freezing cold, waiting for your dog to find the perfect spot to poop, you know it’s never a quick decision. There’s sniffing, circling, hesitation, second-guessing, more circling—until finally, they settle on a location that seems no different from the fifteen they rejected. (Is your dog not yet housebroken and still doing her business in the house? Get help here.)

But what if I told you there’s actual science behind this? What if all this ritual isn’t just about picking the spot with the best ambiance, but something deeper—something magnetic?

The Compass in Your Canine

A group of scientists in the Czech Republic spent two years watching dogs poop. (Just let that sink in. Two whole years.) They observed 37 different breeds and over 7,000 bathroom breaks, all in an effort to answer a question no one knew they needed answered: Do dogs align their bodies with the Earth’s magnetic field when they relieve themselves?

Turns out, they do.

The study found that when the Earth’s magnetic field is stable (which isn’t all the time, apparently), dogs tend to align themselves along the north-south axis when they poop. Not east-west. Not diagonally. And they’re not alone—other animals, including deer and foxes, have also shown a sensitivity to the planet’s invisible magnetic forces.

This means your pup might be using an internal compass every time they go to the bathroom.

Why Do They Do It?

Honestly? No one really knows for sure. Maybe it’s an evolutionary thing, a way to stay spatially oriented in the wild. Maybe it’s some deep-seated biological instinct left over from their wolf ancestors. 

What we do know is that dogs have an incredible sense of direction, and this magnetic sensitivity could be part of how they navigate the world. Ever heard of dogs finding their way home from miles away? Some scientists think their ability to detect Earth’s magnetic fields plays a role.

What This Means for You and Your Dog

Next time you’re out on a walk, pay attention. Notice which direction your dog faces when they finally settle in for their bathroom break. If they consistently align north-south, congratulations—you’ve got yourself a little furry compass. If they seem all over the place, don’t worry. The study found that magnetic fields fluctuate, and dogs only align consistently when those fields are calm.

Either way, this adds a whole new layer of appreciation for the weird, wonderful creatures we share our lives with. They don’t just love us unconditionally, steal our pillows, and insist on licking the inside of our nostrils—they also have a built-in GPS. 

Read on for 20 more fascinating facts about dogs here.

Photo credit: Pixabay

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